Arm reliquary, c. 1230, the Cloisters at the Met

bunny museum

in line at airport security, a fat older man’s penis catches my eye. he is wearing gray

sweatshorts and i can see the outline of his soft shaft and balls. his balls are bigger than his

penis and something about it reminds me of

a bunny tail.

a plaque in the museum reads bunnies are the symbol of fertility

another plaque reads bunnies are a symbol of virginal purity

i think about how i call every woman in my life ‘bunny’ as a term of endearment and wonder if

there’s been a subliminal reason this whole time. i’m horny now

and everything is ruined.

i think about my girlfriend

pink and blonde with complicated eyes. the other night

i said to her, you’ve never hurt a single person. she said, yes i have.

i said, well you can still be a good girl even if you’ve hurt people.

she said, you’re weird...

the playback as the grift

if i’m the boy i don’t care how 

much you make. i’ll pay 

because i’m the boy 

ready to remind the girl 

ready to burn body 

readymade burner phone on 

do not disturb me. little cuck man 

with yale professor parents 

crying wolf to the fentanyl fuzz, 

don’t make me remind you. i care 

for what i do for love 

getting sick in my polly pocket purse, 

ring around my nosey. 

maggie gyllenhaal as secretary starring 

as you slapping my silicone heart 

on, screaming silicone trachea bubbling 

up to lick your skirt's hem like an envelope. 

forgiveness breeds betrayal and extortionate sleeps with discontent slithering for space, nibbling on its rotting tail because it smells good at the foot of the messy bed you weren’t supposed to make it

Riley Mac is a poet, bartender and dyke from South Jersey - but currently lives in Brooklyn with her dog Dandy. She loves hosting poetry readings and having a good time.